Welcome Autumn!

We can finally officially say that we are in the Fall season! It's my favourite time of year!

This week was a very busy one. We have started our library schedule, and will be visiting for book exchanges beginning September 30th. Everyone has been looking forward to checking out books, so I'm glad that we will finally be able to.

Our math test was delayed until today (Friday), as a result of our busy week. I'm sure that you all did a fantastic job. I will be sending marked tests home by the middle of next week.

Our new math chapter has to do with exploring numbers 1-100. Students should be able to count up to 100 and backwards from 100, so please try to practice this at home. The following links are a great interactive game to help you practice counting:

IXL Math

IXL Math 2

IXL Math 3

For our science unit, we continue to explore the three states of matter: solids, liquids and gases. The follow in a game that you can play to see how water can be transformed from a liquid to a solid to a gas! Check it out:

If you have trouble viewing the science link on the blog, just click here :)

Have a great weekend!

Another Fantastic Week

Time seems to be flying by! I hope that you are all having lots of fun!

We have begun our math unit on Sorting and Patterning. We have been exploring patterns with pictures and will now look into more number patterns. The following are great links for students to explore patterning, and are all topics we have covered in class:




Math vocabulary includes:
  • Attributes: describes and object (i.e. round, blue).
  • Pattern Core: the part of the pattern that repeats.

Our Sorting and Patterning MATH TEST will be on Thursday September 23rd.

For science, we have just started our unit on Matter by exploring Liquids and Solids. Students can explore the following link to learn more about what happens to liquids and solids when exposed to different temperatures:


Have fun exploring and enjoy your weekend!

Ms. I

What a Great Week!

This first week of school has been awesome!

I have had so much fun reading your "All About Me" books and getting to know how unique you all are. I feel that this school year will definitely be a great one!

I will start posting lots of fun and educational links next Friday once we begin our math unit on patterning and science unit on matter.

I have also posted the spelling words for September 17th. We will begin studying them on Monday, but you're welcome to start practicing them over the weekend.

Have a great weekend!

Ms. I