Pioneer Village was Awesome!

Our trip to Pioneer Village was great! It was so interesting to see all of the different kinds of toys and traditions of the time. Thank you again to our parent volunteers! You were both a great help!
For this weekend, try and think about how pioneer communities are similar or different from your own community. Talk with your parents and share your ideas. When you're done that, make sure you know the parts of the globe that we studied:
  • Hemisphere

  • Northern Hemisphere
  • Southern Hemisphere

  • North Pole

  • South Pole

  • Equator
Make sure you also know your continents and where they are on a map too:
  • North America

  • South America

  • Europe

  • Antarctica

  • Australia

  • Asia

  • Africa

Here's a map with all of the continents in different colours. Try and figure out which ones are which.

Our math test on measurement will be on Monday. Since we arrived back at school a little early, I had you complete your math review at school for extra studying time. I hope you all remembered to bring home your sheets so that you could study on the weekend as well. Here are a couple of links to measurement games we have already played in class. You can use these to help you study too:

Measuring Centimetres

Adam Ant

Remember, you need to know the following to do well on your math test:

  • When we should use centimetres and when we should use metres.

  • How to measure centimetres using a ruler (remember to start at zero).

  • How to find the perimeter of a shape (add up all of the sides).

If you know how to do all of these things, then you will be just fine on Monday.

For language we are still working on determining important ideas in a text. Try reading your favourite book at home with your parents and figure out what the main idea is (what is the author trying to teach you).

That's all for now! Have a great weekend!

Ms. I

What great parents you all have!

It was great meeting all of your parents over the last few days. I thought all of the interviews went very well, and you are all so lucky to have such fantastic moms and dads!

In regards to math, we are still exploring our unit on measurement. Make sure you know how to use metres and centimetres. Try measuring the height of your mom, dad, brother or sister to see how tall they are in both units of measurment. For now you can explore these links for measurement.

Measurement Word Problems

I have already given you this link to look at, but after this week I think we should all review what things are easier to measure with centimetres, and what things are easier to measure with metres.

Which unit of measurment is appropriate?

For our social studies unit on communities, we will continue to look at what makes up a community within our own neighbourhood and the world. We have alread reviewed lots of great terms. Make sure you know all of these:
  • Northern Hemisphere
  • Southern Hemisphere
  • North Pole
  • South Pole
  • Equator
  • Hemisphere
  • Compass

We haven't started our mapping unit yet, but I thought this would be a great link to help you start to understand how we can use maps to help us find certain places and things in our communities. Have a look:


The following link is another great activity for you to look at about finding directions using a compass:

Using a compass

For language, we are working on reading different texts and trying to determine what the main idea is (what the author is trying to tell/teach us). Listen to some of these fantastic stories and see if you can figure out what the main idea/lesson is:


Remember to explore the language links on the left side of the screen too! Here's one of my favourites:

Kung Fu Sentences

Have a great weekend!

Ms. I

What great weather!

So far the weather has been wonderful this week! Lets hope that it stays lovely for the rest of November!

We just finished our math unit on addition and subtracton strategies today. I will be sending home the math tests by Monday next week. Our new math unit will be on measurement. Please have a look at the following links to prepare you for next week:

For our social studies unit, we have started looking at Communities. We have moved the Traditions and Celebrations unit to later on in the school year. For now, have a look at this picture dictionary of people in your community.

Look for the baker and the doctor.

Write how they both help to make your community a great place.

Have fun over the weekend, and enjoy the weather while it lasts!

Ms. I

Thinking about Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day is only a few days away. Now is the time for us to think about everything we are appreciative for, and how many people have sacrificed to provide us with such wonderful lives. This week we created poppies that will be displayed in the gym for our Remembrance Day Mass next week. You all did a fantastic job!

For math we will be continuing our unit on addition and subtraction. Our math test will be sometime next week, but because we have a few catch-up days to do, I haven't set a final date yet. I will send home a review sheet the day before so that you are all prepared.

Here are the math links:

Our science unit on matter is finished, but there are still some students who have not completed the test yet, so I will send the tests home to be signed on Monday. Our next unit will be a social studies unit on Traditions and Celebrations that we will be starting on Tuesday. Over the weekend, I would like you to talk to your parents about some celebrations and traditions your family practices. On Tuesday we will be sharing how we all have different ways of celebrating different holidays in class.

That's all for now. Have a fantastic weekend! Don't eat too much Halloween candy!

Ms. I