This week was one busy week! I'm so surprised at how fast the time has flown by! It's already October and Thanksgiving is just around the corner.
We will be wrapping up our math unit on numbers 1-100 on Monday and will be having our math test on Tuesday. I will send home a review sheet for students Monday night. For now, you can explore these links to help you practice for the test:
IXL Math 1
IXL Math 2
For science, we are still exploring states of matter. The following link will allow you to look at different types of matter and how it can change:
Science Link
This link is a great link for language. You can read books online and also play great reading games. Have a look at the online book shelf and read comics, fiction stories and fables:
Language Link
There's lots of fun stuff here for you to do, so I hope you enjoy it!
Have a great weekend!
Ms. I