It was great meeting all of your parents over the last few days. I thought all of the interviews went very well, and you are all so lucky to have such fantastic moms and dads!
In regards to math, we are still exploring our unit on measurement. Make sure you know how to use metres and centimetres. Try measuring the height of your mom, dad, brother or sister to see how tall they are in both units of measurment. For now you can explore these links for measurement.
Measurement Word Problems
I have already given you this link to look at, but after this week I think we should all review what things are easier to measure with centimetres, and what things are easier to measure with metres.
Which unit of measurment is appropriate?
For our social studies unit on communities, we will continue to look at what makes up a community within our own neighbourhood and the world. We have alread reviewed lots of great terms. Make sure you know all of these:
- Northern Hemisphere
- Southern Hemisphere
- North Pole
- South Pole
- Equator
- Hemisphere
- Compass
We haven't started our mapping unit yet, but I thought this would be a great link to help you start to understand how we can use maps to help us find certain places and things in our communities. Have a look:
The following link is another great activity for you to look at about finding directions using a compass:
For language, we are working on reading different texts and trying to determine what the main idea is (what the author is trying to tell/teach us). Listen to some of these fantastic stories and see if you can figure out what the main idea/lesson is:
Remember to explore the language links on the left side of the screen too! Here's one of my favourites:
Have a great weekend!
Ms. I