Helping Kids Like You!

Internet Free Weekend
I apologize for not posting on Friday. I did not have any internet access over the weekend...so I hope you all enjoyed a bit of a break! :)
I'm sure that this week will be a fantastic one! Please remember, I want to see/talk to all of your parents for parent-teacher interviews in February. I need all of your forms as soon as possible.
Thanks a bunch!
Ms. I
Simple Machines and Other Things...

Simple Machines
We have begun our 2D shapes unit in math. So far, we have reviewed what sides and vertices (corners) are. Have a look at these shapes and try to count how many sides and vertices they have.

That's all for now! Enjoy your day off!
Ms. I
Social Studies Project

- Write in sentences.
- Colour your pictures.
- Tell me where you get your information for your project from.
If you look over the example, it should help you remember everything we talked about in class. If you are still not sure which country you want to research, here's the list we talked about in class:
- China
- Brazil
- Mexico
- United States
- Africa
- Australia
- Korea
- Ireland
- France
- Egypt
- Argentina
- Scotland
- Portugal
- Italy
- India
- Greece
- England
- Philippines
- Poland
- Jamaica
- Spain
- Germany
You do not have to choose from this list, it is just meant to give you ideas. Remember, your project is due January 20th. I'm sure all of your projects will be fantastic! I can't wait to read them!
As we finish our social studies unit on communities, we will be beginning our science unit on movement this coming Tuesday.
For math, we have just finished chapter 6 on place value. Please remember to complete your math review sheets. If you are able to do all of the work for your math test review, then you will definitely do well on the test. Our math test will be Monday January 17th, so please remember to study.
Information About Skating

On the school calendar, our class only goes skating with the grade ones. The other days that have grade 2's and 3's listed for skating is for the split grade 2/3 classes.
Hope this clears things up :)
Welcome Back!

This week has been a busy one, and you have all done a great job of getting back into school mode.
On Wednesday we looked at how we could use base ten blocks as an addition strategy. Here's the same link for you to try at home on your own:
Adding with Base Ten Blocks
Here are a few other math links for you to refresh yourself on place value.
Identify Place Value
Type the Number You See
We are almost finished our social studies unit on communities around the world. I will be assigning a project for you next week. For now, have a look at these pictures of two different communities:
Community 1
Community 2
How are they different? How are they the same?
Don't forget, we will be going skating on Wednesday January 12th. Remember to bring your skates and a helmet!
That's all for now! Have a great weekend!