Make sure you and your parents read this :)
There are many kids just like all of you who love going to school to learn new things, but sometimes they don't have the money to do everything you get to do. Some kids can't afford to go on field trips, buy school supplies, or even bring a lunch everyday to school.
The Angel Foundation is asking us to try and make any donations that we can to help kids like you who might not be able to afford all of the cool stuff you get to do in school. Our school will be raising money up until February 9th to help the Angel Foundation give to kids who need our help the most.
On Tuesday, I will bring in a jar that I hope our class will be able to fill. I'll start it off by putting in $10.00. I hope that all of you will be able to bring in whatever change you can to help out.
Our virtue of the month for February is love. What better way to show love for one another by helping those who are in need :)