There's only two more weeks of school left before we break for one of my favourite holidays! I'm very excited about Christmas, and I hope you are too! We've been working on our letters to Santa in our writing books, and I hope to have all of the good copies done in class by Tuesday so that we can send them to the North Pole.
Speaking of the North Pole, we will be having our social studies test on Thursday December 9th. You need to know the following to do well on the test:
- Locate all 7 continents on a map (North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia and Antarctica).
- Parts of the globe (North Pole, South Pole, Equator, Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere)
- Locating places on a map and using a map (Picture Map)
For math, we have started our unit on place value and have looked at the place value for 10's and 1's. Have a look at some of these links to help you better understand place value:
10's and 1's
Up to 100's
Value of underlined numbers 1o's
Value of underlined numbers 100's
If you really feel like a challenge, try these links that look at place value up to 1000!
1000's again
Which place value?
As for language, have a look at the lovin' literacy links on the left side. There are lots of great games you can play to help you develop strong reading and writing skills.
In regards to skating, our first trip to the arena will be in the new year. I will post skating dates on the calendar. If there are any parents who would like to accompany us, we would be more than happy to have you.
That's all for now! Have a great weekend!
Ms. I