What a Dramatic Day!

Our drama workshop was fantastic! We really had lots of fun dancing and pretending to be all kinds of animals as we performed Little Red Riding Hood. I really hope that you all enjoyed each activity!

We will be continuing our unit on place value into the new year, so make sure you check the website over the holidays so that you're ready in January. For now, make sure you play with some of the place value links I posted previously.

I will be assigning a book report over the break for you to work on. We'll be discussing parts of a book report next week, and I'll hand out your booklets next Friday. Now would be a great time to start thinking of a book you might like to read for your report. For now, have a look at the Starfall library to read about different folk tales, explore comics, and read plays.

Starfall Library

We will still be looking at communities for our social studies unit. For our test, we focused on mapping and communities, but for next week and more into the new year we'll focusing more on actual communities. I will have the social studies tests marked and ready to hand back by early to mid week next week.

I would also like to ask that each of you bring in one box of tissue for the new year. We're already down to our last one, so please remember to bring one in next week.

Remember to check out the links on the left hand side for math and language, and also check out this fun interactive advent calendar:

Advent Calendar

That's all for now!

Ms. I